How does the free budget work ?
Without identifying the project, get an initial budget in a minute. Your information remain confidential and is not shared.
The survey consists in 11 simple questions. You get dynamic results starting from the third one.
The results are based on our field expertise and consider local and high-quality production.
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1 min
for the first budget
Projects estimated
FIGURZ provide you with a budget you don’t get responsibility for
We don’t ask you to identify the project and, unless you need anything, we keep all information for us.
Once you subscribed you can calculated all the budgets you want and access to the glossary
We speak of standards rather than stars, as some hotels offer services without necessarily wanting to be associated with a star rating. Otherwise, FIGURZ ranges from 1 star to 5 stars + (plus).
FIGURZ distinguishes between 5 and 5+ because, depending on the positioning, the price level and services can vary significantly. The palace category is not specified, as this category is limited only by imagination; 5+ would be the minimum for a palace.
Furthermore, FIGURZ offers intermediate categories, as it sometimes happens that, at the beginning of a project, it is not yet clearly defined, and we may speak of 4/5 stars, 3/4 stars, etc.
We have reconstructed budgets based on projects delivered as part of our previous activities and through daily monitoring of our network.
The budgets are adjusted according to the budgets provided in the context of the starters, which are analyzed on a daily basis.
This can be explained if the geographical location of the establishment requires specific logistics or depending on the dimensions of the common areas.
It can also be explained by the responsibility matrix if the layout is included in the FF&E budget, or if the OSE, BOH, and logistics have been underestimated. These aspects are covered under paid services.
Finally, a project can be more or less expensive depending on the level of quality requirements or the origin of the FF&E. FIGURZ believes it is always better to manufacture nearby for reasons of carbon footprint, but especially for monitoring and after-sales service.
Our T&Cs and GTCs are quite clear on the matter, but generally speaking, we know how sensitive the budget can be, especially at the start of a project. That’s why the information provided on FIGURZ can only be accessed by FIGURZ for service improvement purposes and not to be shared with third parties.
Furthermore, the starter service does not require any information that identifies the project or the user, while the paid services do not require the real names or addresses of the projects.
The durations of the phases proposed by FIGURZ have been estimated to allow a reasonable amount of time for each project stage.
The timeline for the model rooms is intended to facilitate a deeper exploration of studies to best meet the various client requirements: budget, CSR, quality, etc.
The consultation periods, in turn, allow for the preparation of the most comprehensive and precise bidding documents possible, enabling suppliers to seriously consult their potential subcontractors and conduct in-depth analyses to ensure price reliability.
Finally, the installation timelines have been designed to streamline the interaction with other ongoing work.
Because as we ask ourselves "how much," we should also ask "what for."
This is especially true for a complex project like a hotel, where the allocation of roles is crucial given the various responsibilities, obligations, skills, and interfaces involved. An item, for instance, may be specified by one person, sourced by another, and installed by yet another.
Finally, FIGURZ provides service limits that correspond to the estimated budgets. However, users have the option to download and modify these limits according to the project and attach them to the various contracts.